13.2 Configure the settings relating to the alarmimage [Alarm]Click the [Alarm] tab on the “Alarm” page. (®page 40, page 42)The settings relating to the alarm image to be transmitted to an FTP server can be configured in this section.The alarm image will be transmitted to an FTP server. To transmit alarm images to an FTP server, it isnecessary to configure the settings in advance. (®page 132)IMPORTANT• Depending on the network line speed or the network traffic, images may not be transmitted at the exactdesignated interval or period.• When “Alarm input” or “Manual” is selected for “Save trigger” on the [SD memory card] tab, images willnot be transmitted to the FTP server even when an alarm is detected. Set “Save trigger” to “FTPerror”. (®page 51)• When “3 mega pixel [4:3]” is selected for “Image capture mode”, alarm images cannot be transmittedto the FTP server.Alarm image[FTP >>]When “FTP >>” is clicked, the [FTP] tab of the “Server” page will be displayed. (®page 132)[Alarm image FTP transmission]Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether or not to transmit the alarm image to the FTP server.• Default: Off[Directory name]Enter the directory name where the alarm images are to be saved.For example, enter “/ALARM” to designate the directory “ALARM” under the root directory of the FTP server.• Available number of characters: 1 - 256 characters• Unavailable characters: " & ;[File name]Enter the file name used for the alarm image to be transmitted to an FTP server. The file name will be asfollows.Operating Instructions 10713 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]