18Angular field of view and focus can be adjusted coarsely according to the distance betweenthe camera and a subject. Adjust angular field of view and focus while determining the shoot-ing direction.z Loosen the zoom lock screw, and then adjust the angular field of view by rotating the zoomlock screw. Move the focus coarsely by rotating the focus ring.x Tighten the zoom lock screw.c Press the focus assist button.→ The "FOCUS ADJUSTMENT" screen appears.The focus assist function provides optimal adjustment.v Move the focus ring to near the focal point to automatically register the optimal focal pointas the "PEAK HOLD" value (higher value for closer to the focal point).b Move the focus ring to display the value of the current focus state at "INDICATOR". Adjustthe focus ring to bring the value of "INDICATOR" close to the value of "PEAK HOLD".n When the focal point is obtained, highlighted "BEST FOCUS" appears at the lower rightposition.m Press the focus assist button again to exit from the "FOCUS ADJUSTMENT" screen (or waitfor approx. 3 minutes to automatically terminate).LOW HIGH.......|............↑FOCUS ADJUSTMENTINDICATOR 775 BESTPEAK HOLD 780 FOCUSLoosen TightenTWFocus ringZoom lock screwAdjustment of angular field of view and focus