14Precautions for installationAll work related to the installation of thisproduct should be made by qualified serv-ice personnel or system installers.Use this product for indoor use only.Do not expose this product to direct sunlightfor hours and do not install the product neara heater or an air conditioner. Otherwise, itmay cause deterioration, discoloration andmalfunction. Keep this product away fromwater.Avoid installing in the following locations.• Locations where it may get wet from rainor water splash• Locations where a chemical agent isused such as a swimming pool• Locations subject to steam and oil smokesuch as a kitchen• Locations near flammable gas or vapor• Locations where radiation or x-ray emis-sions are produced• Locations where it may be damaged bybriny air such as seashores• Locations where the temperature is notbetween –10°C - +50°C• Locations subject to vibrations (Thisproduct is not designed for on-vehicleuse.)• Locations subject to condensation as theresult of severe changes in temperatureBe sure to remove this product if it is notin use.Before starting installation• Use the camera mount bracket shown onpage 23 to mount the camera.• When installing the camera and the cam-era mount bracket on a ceiling/wall, usethe screws listed on page 22. Screws arenot provided with this product. Preparethem after considering the total weight,the material and strength of the areawhere the camera is to be installed.• The installing place shall be sufficientlyreinforced and anchors/screws to beused shall be strong enough for theinstallation.• Do not install the camera on a plasterboard or on a wood board since theydon’t have enough strength for installa-tion.When tightening fixing screws• Firmly tighten screws that are suited to fixwith the material and strength of the areawhere the camera is to be installed.• Do not use a powered screw driver.Otherwise, it may damage the camera.• Tighten screws firmly. After tighteningscrews, check with eyes if the camera isfixed firmly.Safety wireWhen using a locally procured safety wire toprevent the camera from dropping, deter-mine the installing place after consideringpossibilities of injury that may be caused bythe camera mount bracket if it is damaged.When using a safety wire, adjust the length tostretch the wire with tension.Adjustment of the tilting angleBefore adjusting the tilting angle of the cam-era, make sure that the screws of the cameramount bracket are loosened. Failure to do somay damage both the camera and the cam-era mount bracket. Tighten the screws firmlyafter adjusting the tilting angle of the camera.Radio disturbanceWhen this product is used near a TV/radioantenna, or a strong electric field or magneticfield (such as near a motor, a transformer orpower lines), images may be distorted andnoise may be caused.PoE (Power over Ethernet)Use a PoE hub/device that is compliant withIEEE802.3af standard.