8PrecautionsRefer to all work related to the installationof this product to qualified service person-nel or system installer.Do not attempt to disassemble the prod-uct.There are no serviceable parts inside.Contact the qualified service personnel formaintenance.Use this appliance for indoor use only.Do not expose the appliance to direct sun-light for hours and do not install the productnear a heater or an air conditioner.Otherwise, it may cause deformation, discol-oration and malfunction. Keep the applianceaway from water and moisture.To keep on using with stable performance• Parts of this product may deteriorate andit may shorten lifetime of this productwhen using in locations subject to hightemperatures and high humidity. Do notexpose the product to direct heat suchfrom a heater.• Use the appliance at temperature within+5 °C - +35 °C (41 °F - 95 °F) andhumidity below 90 %. (when using theappliance without turning the power off)Handle the appliance with care.Do not strike or shake, as this may damagethe appliance. It may cause a malfunction.About the PC monitorWhen displaying the same image on the PCmonitor at length, the PC monitor may bedamaged. It is recommended to use ascreen-saver.When an error is detected, the camera willrestart automatically.This camera will restart when detecting anerror caused by any reason. The camera willbe inoperable for around 30 seconds afterthe restart just as when the power is turnedon.Cleaning the camera bodyTurn the power off when cleaning of the cam-era. Use a dry cloth to clean the camera.When the dirt is hard to remove, use a milddetergent and wipe gently. Then, wipe with adry cloth.Do not use strong abrasive detergentwhen cleaning the camera body.Otherwise, it may cause discoloration.When using a chemical cloth for cleaning,read the caution provided with the chemicalcloth product.Cleaning the lensUse a lens cleaning paper (used to cleancamera lenses or lenses of spectacles).When using solvent, use an alcohols solvent.Do not use a thinner or a glass cleaner.SD memory card• When insert an SD memory card into theSD memory card slot, turn the power ofthe camera off. Otherwise, it may causemalfunction or damage data recorded onthe SD memory card.Refer to page 18 for descriptions of howto insert/remove an SD memory card.• When using an unformatted SD memorycard, format it using this camera.Recorded data on the SD memory cardwill be deleted when formatted.If using an unformatted SD memory cardor using an SD card formatted with otherdevice, the camera may not work proper-ly or performance deterioration may becaused.Refer to the Network Operating Instruc-tions (PDF) for descriptions of how to for-mat an SD memory card.• It is recommended to use Panasonic’sSD memory card.