-15-1. Camera Identification (CAMERA ID)SettingYou can use the camera identification (CAMERAID) to assign a name to the camera. The camera IDconsists of up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Youcan select whether to have the camera ID dis-played on the monitor screen or not.To edit the CAMERA ID1. Move the cursor to the CAMERA ID parameter.2. Press (S). The CAMERA ID menu appears.The cursor on the letter “0” starts blinking.3. Move the cursor to the character you want tochange by pressing (L)/ (R)/ (U)/(D).4. After selecting the character, press (S).The selected character appears in the editingarea. (The pointer in the editing area moves tothe right automatically at this moment.)5. Repeat the steps above until all characters areedited.To enter a blank space in the CAMERA IDMove the cursor to SPACE and press (S).To edit a specific character in the CAMERA ID1. Move the cursor to the editing area by press-ing (S).2. Move the pointer to the character to be editedby pressing (L) or (R). Then move thecursor to the character area and select a newcharacter.3. Press (S) to determine the CAMERA ID.Character CursorPointerCharacterAreaCommandEditingAreaCAMERA ID menu** CAM SET UP **CAMERA ID OFFALC/ELC ALCSHUTTER ---AGC ONSYNC INTWHITE BAL ATWEND SET UP ENABLE↵↵↵0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ().,'":;!?=+-*/%$ÄÜÖÆÑÅSPACEPOSI RET END RESET................SETTING PROCEDURESTo erase all characters in the editing areaMove the cursor to RESET and press (S). Allcharacters in the editing area disappear.To determine the display position of theCAMERA ID1. Move the cursor to POSI, and press (S).The display shown below appears and theCAMERA ID starts blinking.Blinking2. Move the CAMERA ID to the desired positionby pressing (L)/ (R)/ (U)/ (D).3. Press (S) to fix the position of the CAMERAID. The mode returns to the previous CAMERAID menu.Notes:• The CAMERA ID stops at the edges of themonitor screen.• The CAMERA ID moves faster if any of(L)/ (R)/ (U)/ (D) is keptpressed for a second or longer.To return to the CAM SET UP menuMove the cursor to RET and press (S). TheCAM SET UP menu appears.2. Light Control Setting (ALC/ELC)You can select one of the following light controlmodes:ALC: This camera has an ALC lens.ELC: If you select this mode, the iris is kept open.The brightness is automatically controlled.1. Move the cursor to the ALC/ELC parameter.2. Select ALC or ELC.WV-CF254** CAM SET UP **CAMERA ID OFFALC/ELC ALCSHUTTER ---AGC ONSYNC INTWHITE BAL ATWEND SET UP ENABLE↵↵↵