-13-ManualLevelAdjustmentSpecialmenuChromaGainAPGain PedestalManualLevelAdjustmentManualMask AreaSelectionManualMask AreaSelectionWhiteBalanceATW AWC** CAM SET UP **CAMERA ID OFFALC/ELC ALCSHUTTER ---AGC ONSYNC INTWHITE BAL ATWEND SET UP DISABLE↵↵↵The CAM SET UP menu appears on the monitor asshown above.Check the current settings on the menu.Refer to the sections below for a detailed descrip-tion of menu items. If you decide not to make anychanges after checking the current settings, movethe cursor to END at the start of the bottom line,and press (S) to close the CAM SET UP menuand return to normal camera picture mode.Note: If no button is pressed for 6 minutes whilethe CAM SET UP menu or any other settingmenu is displayed, displaying the menu isautomatically canceled and the mode returnsto the normal camera picture.• Opening the Setup MenuPress and hold down (S) for a second or longer.• Editing the CAM SET UP MenuImportant Notice:When the words SET UP DISABLE appear onthe bottom line of the CAM SET UP menu, youcannot change the currently active settings.This is to prevent accidental changing of thesettings.To edit the CAM SET UP menu (change settings),use (U) and (D) or (L) and (R) tomove the cursor to SET UP DISABLE in the bottomline.Press (S). SET UP DISABLE changes to SETUP ENABLE. Move the cursor to END, then to theitem(s) you want to change.** CAM SET UP **CAMERA ID OFFALC/ELC ALCSHUTTER ---AGC ONSYNC INTWHITE BAL ATWEND SET UP DISABLE↵↵Blinking