81 System Status TableThe table shows the system status in real time.1. Select a desired monitor. (Refer to p. 56 MonitorSelection.)2. Display "SysStat" menu. (Refer to Step 1 and 2 of p. 77To Recall Menu Functions.)3. Select a desired function by pressing one of the F1 toF3 buttons.Available buttons and functionsF1: OnOpens the SYSTEM STATUS table.F2: OffCloses the SYSTEM STATUS table.F3: BlkChanges the monitor background beween cameraimages and black picture.MON: Monitor numberAREA: Area numberCAM/DVR/SEQ:C6400001: Unit 64, Camera 1R6400001: Unit 64, Recorder 1T640010001P: Unit 64, Area 1, Tour Sequence 1pauseG640010001P: Unit 64, Area 1, Group Sequence 1pauseDEV: Device NameK: System controller number with normal user oper-ator.S: System controller number with super user opera-tor.ALM: AlarmEVT: Timer eventUSER: User IDNote: Alarm USRID consists of alarm number andalarm action number.E.g. "ALM20" indicates alarm #2 and its action#0.PRI: User priority4. To display the next page, press the + button.To display the previous page, press the – button.Notes:• To display the first page of table, press the + but-ton while holding down the SHIFT button.• To display the last page of table, press the – buttonwhile holding down the SHIFT button.5. To exit the SYSTEM STATUS table, perform either of thefollowing.• Select a camera. (Refer to p. 56 Camera Selection.)• Press the MON(ESC) button.• Press the EXIT button. Video Loss History TableThere are 100 video loss detection records stored inchronological order in 10 pages of table.1. Select a desired monitor. (Refer to p. 56 MonitorSelection.)2. Display "VL Hist" menu. (Refer to Step 1 and 2 of p. 77To Recall Menu Functions.)3. Select a desired function by pressing one of the F1 toF3 buttons.Available buttons and functionsF1: OnOpens the VIDEO LOSS HISTORY table.F2: OffCloses the VIDEO LOSS HISTORY table.F3: BlkChanges the monitor background beween cameraimages and black picture.CAM: Logical camera number that is connected to thesystem.STATE: Indicates video loss changes.OK: Video loss is recovered.LS: Video level is below normal and in sync.VL: Video level is below normal and out of sync.HL: Video level is above normal and out of sync.TYPE: Place where the video loss occurs.S: Video crosspoint input (Not supported)C: Camera control inputDATE/TIME: Date and time when the video loss statechanges.SysStat: 010On Off BlkSYSTEM STATUS PGMON AREA CAM/DVR/SEQ DEV USER PRI1 1 C6400001 K1 1 1999 999 R6400001 S128 12345 1234999 999 T640010001P S128 12345 999999 999 G640010001P S128 12345 999VL Hist: 011On Off BlkVIDEO LOSS HISTORY PGCAM STATE TYPE DATE/TIME6401 OK C 01/01/01 12:00