Using Network Services552 ■ [Proxy Settings]Select [Proxy Settings] and set the itemsAcquire IP AddressIP AddressSubnet MaskGatewayAcquire DNS AddressDNS AddressProxy SettingsIP/DNS SettingsAuto192.168.11.5255.255.255.0192.168.11.1192.168.11.1AutoAccessaccessselectAfter settings, return to [Network Setup] screenRETURN[Proxy]Sets Proxy address.• This is the address of the relay server that is connected to the target server instead of the browserand sends data to the browser. Setting is required if specified by the provider.1. Select [Proxy]0ProxyProxy PortProxy Settingsaccessselect2. Enter the addressSet characters one by oneA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! : #a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s tu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _ProxyHostselectset• You can set characters by using numeric buttons.3. StoreRETURN[Proxy Port]Sets Proxy port number.• This number is also specified by the provider with the Proxy address.1. Select [Proxy Port]0ProxyProxy PortProxy Settings select2. Move the cursor and enter thenumber move jk lghi mnotuvpqrs wxyzabc def3 Select [Connection Test] and access to test12-34-56-78-9a-bcConnection TestNetwork TypeAccess Point SettingsIP/DNS SettingsNetwork Link SettingsSoftware UpdateMAC AddressNetwork SetupWiredAccessaccessselect• Performs automatic testing of the network connection for theTV. (It takes a while to test.)Check network cable connection.Check acquired IP address.Check for devices using same IP address.Check gateway connection.Check server connection.Connection Test : succeededThe test is successful and the TV is connected to thenetwork.: failedCheck the settings and connections, and then perform thisfunction again.