3.1 Unified Messaging System Administration3.1.1 Unified Messaging System OverviewDescriptionThe Control Box has a built-in messaging system that provides voice mail services to its subscribers.UsersThe user owns his/her own mailbox.The following types of users exist in the Unified Messaging system:• Subscriber (maximum 1999)A subscriber is an extension user who has a mailbox assigned to his extension. When subscribers log into their mailbox, they can listen to and respond to messages left by other subscribers.• System Manager (maximum 1)The system manager can send broadcast messages.UM Ports and the UM GroupA port acts as a pathway into the Unified Messaging system, so when a call is directed to the UnifiedMessaging system, it requires one available UM port. The total number of available ports is 128.The UM ports belong to the Control Box's UM group. This group has a floating extension number, which canbe the destination for incoming calls, redirected calls, transferred calls, etc. When incoming calls arereceived at the floating extension number of the UM group, calls will hunt starting at the lowest UM portnumber.UM GroupUMPort 1UMPort 2UMPort 3UMPort 4UMPort 5× (Busy) × (Busy) × (Busy)Incoming callConditions• As the Unified Messaging system is part of the same system as the Control Box, the Unified Messagingsystem’s data coordinates with the Control Box settings.• Each port is assigned an extension number.→ 9.5 Control Box Configuration—[1-1] Configuration—Slot—UM Property—UM Port Property—Main—Extension Number• When hunting for an available UM port, the Control Box ignores any FWD or DND settings (→ 2.3 CallForwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) Features) applied to the ports.It is possible to call a port in a UM group directly. If a call is routed directly to a port in the group, it ispossible to apply certain features (e.g., FWD) to that port.• DSP Resource UsageConnecting to the Unified Messaging system requires a certain number of DSP resources. If all DSPresources are in use, this operation cannot be performed. (→ 4.4.2 DSP Resource Usage)PC Programming Manual References9.5 Control Box Configuration—[1-1] Configuration—Slot—UM Property—UM Port Property3.1 Unified Messaging System Administration26 Feature Manual