1.1 For Your Safety1.1.1 For Your SafetyDescriptionTo prevent personal injury and/or damage to property, be sure to observe the following safety precautions.The following symbols classify and describe the level of hazard and injury caused when this unit isoperated or handled improperly.CAUTIONThis notice means that misuse could result ininjury or damage to property.The following types of symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to beobserved.This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must be followed inorder to operate the unit safely.CAUTION• To the Administrator regarding account passwords1. To avoid unauthorised access and possible abuse of the Control Box, keep the passwords secret, andbe aware of the importance of the passwords, and the possible dangers if they become known toothers.2. The Control Box has no passwords set initially. For security, select a secure password as soon as theControl Box is installed at the site.3. Change the passwords periodically.4. It is strongly recommended that passwords of 10 numbers or characters be used for maximumprotection against unauthorised access.1.1 For Your Safety10 Feature Manual