2For your safetyTo prevent severe injury or loss of life orproperty, and to ensure proper and safeoperation of your product, read thissection carefully before using theproduct.Preventing fire, electric shock andshort circuitsR Leave installation work to thedealer. Installation work requirestechnique and experiences. Failureto observe this may cause fire,electric shock, injury, or damage tothe product. Consult the dealer.RElectrical connection work shouldbe performed by certified personnelonly. Certification is required forperforming electrical connectionwork. Consult your dealer.RDo not attempt to disassemble ormodify this product. Contact anauthorised service centre for repairs.RNever install wiring during a lightningstorm.RDo not connect non-specified devices.RDo not connect a power cable to aterminal that is not specified in thisguide.RWhen opening holes in walls forinstallation or wiring, or when securingthe power cable, make sure you do notdamage existing wiring and ductwork.RDo not make any wiring connectionswhen the power supply is turned on.RDo not install the main monitor/extension monitor in the followingplaces:– Places where the main monitor/extension monitor may be splashedwith water or chemicals.– Places where there is a highconcentration of dust, or highhumidity.RDo not place objects on the powercables.Install the product where no one canstep or trip on the power cables.RDo not allow the power cables to beexcessively pulled, bent or placedunder heavy objects.R When existing wires are used, it ispossible that they contain AC voltage.Contact an authorised service centre.Preventing electric shockR If the wiring is underground, do notmake any connections underground.RIf the wiring is underground, use aprotection tube.R If the wiring is outdoors, use aprotection tube or a surge protector.Preventing injuryR I nstall the product securely adhering tothe instructions in this guide to preventit from falling off the wall. Avoidinstalling onto low-strength walls, suchas gypsum board, ALC (autoclavedlightweight concrete), concrete block,or veneer (less than 18 mm thick)walls.WARNINGCAUTION