Technical InformationFrequently Asked QuestionsTechnical49FAQsBefore requesting service or assistance, please follow these simple guides to resolve the problem.If the problem still persists, please contact your local Panasonic dealer for assistance.White spots or shadowimages (noise)Check the position, direction, andconnection of the aerial.●Neither image norsound is producedIs the TV in “AV mode”?Is the mains lead plugged into the socket outlet?Is the TV turned On?Check Picture Menu (p. 24) and volume.●●●●An error message appearsFollow the message’s instructions.If the problem persists, contact your localPanasonic dealer.●●“VIERA Link” functiondoes not work and an errormessage appearsConfirm the connection.Turn the connected equipment on and thenswitch the TV on. (p. 38)●●Contrast is reducedContrast is lowered in the following conditions without anyuser operation for a few minutes:no signal in DVB or AV modeselected invalid programmeselected radio servicedisplayed menuThumbnail or still picture in SD Card mode●•••••Pixel StatementAn image on a LCD or Plasma TV screen is created bymany small groups of dots known as pixels (which is similarto the image in a newspaper). It also naturally follows thathigher panel resolutions contain more pixels. To create acolour image, each pixel consists of three tiny coloureddots (known as sub-pixels), one each of red, green andblue. Each one of these dots is precisely controlled by theelectronics of the TV to produce the picture.Whilst Panasonic maintains the highest standardsin manufacturing technology and processes in theconstruction of these panels, there are a number ofallowable pixel/subpixel failures that still allow the panel tobe defined as a good panel. It is not possible to guaranteeabsolutely no pixel loss.●Problem ActionsChaotic image, noisy Change the setting of “P-NR” in the Picture Menu (to removenoise). (p. 24)Check nearby electrical products (car, motorcycle, fluorescent lamp).●●No image can be displayed Is “Colour” or “Contrast” in the Picture Menu set to the minimum?(p. 24)●Blurry or distorted image(no sound or low volume) Reset channel. (p. 32)●Unusual image is displayed Turn off the TV with Mains power On / Off switch, then turn it onagain.●“Shop” appears on screen atswitch on“Shop” was selected in “Auto Tuning” (p. 12).Reset all settings in “Shipping Condition” (p. 32), then select“Home” in “Auto Tuning” (p. 12).●No sound is produced Is “Sound Mute” active? (p. 10)Is the volume set to the minimum?●●Sound level is lowor sound is distortedSound signal reception may be deteriorated.Set “MPX” (p. 24) in the Sound Menu to “Mono”.●●ScreenSound