103LSQT1150With a computer (VDR-D310/VDR-D230)≥ When a computer is accessing a disc or card inthis unit, the ACCESS/PC lamp or card accesslamp lights. (When a card is being accessed,appears on the LCD monitor.) Do notdisconnect the USB cable or AC adaptor whilethe disc or card is being accessed as it maydamage the data.≥ The disc and card cannot be accessedsimultaneously.≥ It may be necessary to reboot the computerafter connecting this unit to it for the first time.When the unit is connected to a computer, it isrecognized as an external drive.≥ Depending on the operating environment of thecomputer, the shape of the drive icon and thedrive name (Example: E:) will differ.∫ When accessing the discWindows XP:Optical disc drive is displayed in [My Computer].Windows 2000:[Removable Disk] and optical disc drive aredisplayed in [My Computer].≥ When a DVD-RAM or DVD-RW (VR format) isinserted in this unit, it can be accessed fromthe removable disk drive.≥ When a DVD-RW (Video format) or DVD-R isinserted in this unit, it can be accessed fromthe optical disc drive.Example folder structure of a DVD-RAM orDVD-RW (VR format):≥ DVD video recording format motion picturesare stored in the [DVD_RTAV] folder.Example folder structure of a DVD-RW (Videoformat) or DVD-R:≥ DVD-Video format motion pictures are storedin the [VIDEO_TS] folder.* Depending on the maker of the disc and thedevice used to format it, the name displayedwill differ.∫ When accessing the card[Removable Disk] is displayed in [My Computer].Example folder structure of an SD card:≥ JPEG format still pictures (IMGA0001.JPGetc.) are stored in the [100CDPFP] folder.These can be opened with picture softwarethat supports JPEG pictures.≥ Up to 999 files can be recorded in the[100CDPFP] or other such folder.≥ The DPOF setting files are recorded in the[MISC] folder.≥ Do not use the computer to delete the SDcard’s folders. Otherwise, it may no longer bepossible for this unit to read the SD card.≥ Always use this unit to format SD cards.About the computer displayDVD_RTAVDVD_CAMERA*Do not move or change the name of thefolders and files recorded on this unit byWindows Explorer etc.VIDEO_TSDVD_CAMERA*DCIMRemovable Disk100CDPFPMISCLSQT1150.book 103 ページ 2007年1月19日 金曜日 午前9時27分