31050 RING DETECTMODE1 = Normal2 = RoughSelects the quality of ringer detection. Use if the linesignal is out of regulation, set to "Rough" so that theunit may detect the ringing signals.051 Not Used052 PULSE RATE 1 = 10 pps2 = 20 ppsSelects the dial pulse rate 10/20 pps.053054Not Used055 BUSY TONECHECK1 = Off2 = OnSelects whether to detect the Busy Tone.056 DIAL TONECHECK(Except for USAand Canada)1 = Off2 = OnSelects whether to detect dial tone before dialing thetelephone number.057 DC LOOPCHECK(Except for USAand Canada)1 = Off (will not check)2 = On (checks)Selects whether the unit checks the DC Loop duringcommunication.058 COMM.JRNL+IMAGE1 = Off (without image)2 = On (with image)Selects whether the machine prints the COMM.Journal with image.059 CONF. RCVREPORT ON1 = Off2 = On060 VERSION Indicates the Host softwareversion.061 TX/RX/PRT/CPYCOUNTERTX/RX/PRT/CPY Displays the transmitted, received, total printed andcopied document count.062 PRINTCOUNTER1 = Off2 = OnSelects whether to print in the Fax Parameter List,the counter information that is displayed in theFunction Parameter No. 61.063 Not Used064 SILENTDETECTIONTIME OUT01 = 1 sec.~60 = 60 sec.Select silent detection timeout time (TAM I/F).065 SILENTINTEGRATIONTIME01 = 1 sec.~10 = 10 sec.Select ring detection integration time (TAM I/F).066 RING COUNT(TAM)01 = 1 sec.~99 = 99 sec.Select ring detection count 1 to 99 times in one stepintervals on TAM I/F mode.067 Not Used068 NYSE FAXFORWARD(For USA andCanada only)1 = Off2 = OnSelects whether the machine will forward theincoming and outgoing faxes to a specified station.Note:Once this parameter is activated, Fax Forwardingvia Fax Parameter 054 is automatically disabled.069 NYSE LOCALPRINT1 = INC2 = ON (Always)Selects the printing condition for the incoming faxesafter FAX Forwarding.INC. : Prints only if FAX Forwarding fails.ON : Always prints.Function Parameter TableNo. Parameter Selections Function