11.3. Sub bright adjustmentMeasuringinstrumentName of measuring instrument Connection RemarksNTSC signal generator Input terminalAdjustment Steps Remarks[Conditions] White balance adjustment is finished for each signal. Do adjustments in a dark room.1. Input the pattern for adjusting subbright from the NTSC signalgenerator.2. Use " SUB-BRT " in W/B Adj. together so the top part of the stepsection faintly shows, and the center part of the step section is fadesaway in the below diagram.Image menu:VIVIDCOLOR TEMP: COOLASPECT: FULL11.4. ABL operation level adjustmentMeasuringinstrumentName of measuring instrument Connection Remarks1. HD signal emitter(complexed color bar)2. WattmeterCOMPONENT input terminalConnect the AC power of theadjustment set to thewattmeter.Adjustment Steps Remarks[Conditions] Make sure the set is aged for 30 minutes or more before adjustment.(Do not switch off during or after aging.) Voltage 120V 50/60Hz (variation within 1%) Volume at minimum and screen size at "FULL"SettingComponent input, Pic Menu: Vivid, Normal:Set1. Connect the set´s AC power to the wattmeter.2. Input the 1080i complexed color bar. (upper: color bar, lower: 10 step)3. Select "APLMULT" in "WB-ADJ" of service mode.4. Adjust "APLMULT" so the set´s power consumption is33TH-50PM50U