11Network SetupWIRELESS LANYou can make detailed wireless LAN settings.You can congure settings when the wireless module (ET-WM200U) is mounted.Setting network numberSelect [WIRELESS LAN] in [NETWORK SETUP] menu and press1 button.Select the number to be connected for2 [WIRELESS LAN].[OFF], [S-MAP], [1]-[4], [USER1]-[USER3]•Selecting [OFF] disables the wireless LAN.•Network number: [S-MAP] and [1]-[4] are available only when connecting via wireless LAN with the application• software the “Wireless Manager mobile edition 5.5”. [S-MAP] is for showing connectable displays on the networkaccording to their levels of radio wave intensity. For details, refer to the operation manual of the “WirelessManager mobile edition 5.5”.USER settingsYou can congure more precise network settings, if you select from [USER1] to [USER3] (user) for [WIRELESS LAN].Select [USER1] – [USER3] for [WIRELESS LAN].1 WIRELESS LANSAVEWIRELESS LAN255.255.255. 0192.168. 0. 1192.168. 10. 100USER1IP ADDRESSSUBNET MASKGATEWAYAD HOCMODENAME CHANGESSIDDHCP OFFAddress settings1 Select the item and press .I192.168. 0. 8IP ADDRESS2 Use to select a digit.3 Use to change a number.4 Press .Pressing will cancel the address change.Set [DHCP].2 When "OFF" is selected, IP ADDRESS and other settings can be set manually.NAME CHANGE You can change the user name. Entering characters page 14DHCP(DHCP client function)ON: If a DHCP server exists in the network to which the display isconnected, the IP address will automatically be acquired.OFF: If a DHCP server does not exist in the network to whichthe display is connected, additionally set [IP ADDRESS],[SUBNET MASK] and [DEFAULT GATEWAY].IP ADDRESS(Display of IP address and setting) Enter the IP address if DHCP server is not used.SUBNET MASK(Displaying and setting the subnetmask)If not using a DHCP server, enter the subnet mask.GATEWAY(Display of gateway address andsetting)Enter the gateway address if DHCP server is not used.If [DHCP] is set to [ON], the IP address and other items are not displayed. Check the [STATUS] page for the• current IP address and other items. (See page 17)Before using the DHCP server, make sure the DHCP server is already functioning.•For details of IP address, subnet mask, and gateway, ask the network administrator.•A wired LAN and wireless LAN cannot be used in the same segment.•WIRELESS LANSAVEWIRELESS LAN OFF