9S-VIDEOS-VIDEODVDDIGITALAUDIO OUTVIDEOINPUT OUTPUTAUDIORLUse this configuration when connecting the TV to a cable TV system using a Cable Box.Use this configuration when connecting the TV to a cable TV system using a Cable Box and VCR.Connect the cable from theOutput terminal on the back ofthe Cable Box to the ANTterminal on the left side of theTV.CABLE BOXTERMINAL ON THE BACKOF THE CABLE BOXIncoming Cable fromAntenna or Cable TVSystemS-VIDEOS-VIDEODVDDIGITALAUDIO OUTVIDEOINPUT OUTPUTAUDIORLOUTPUTS-VIDEO VIDEO L-AUDIO-RConnect the cablef r o m t h e O u t p u tterminal on the back oft h e V C R t o t h eAntenna input terminalon the left side of theTV.Connect the cable from theOutput terminal on the backof the Cable Box to theAntenna input terminal on theback of the VCR.ANTENNATERMINALS ONTHE LEFT SIDEOF THE TVVCRCABLE BOXTERMINAL ON THE BACKOF THE CABLE BOXIncoming Cable fromAntenna or Cable TVSystemOUTPUT INPUTOUTPUT INPUTTO VCRConnect the cable from theantenna or cable system to theInput terminal on the back of theCABLE BOX.ANT OUTPUTANT INPUTInstallationNote: When the antenna cable is connected to the TV antenna terminal via a cable box or VCR, set the TV channelto CH3 or CH4, cable. This does not apply when signal is input from VIDEO INPUT.ANTENNATERMINAL ONTHE LEFT SIDEOF THE TVAntenna Connection (Cable Box, no VCR)Antenna Connection (Cable Box, and VCR)