With a PC130VQT1A48Softwareª Using SweetMovieLife 1.0E/MotionDVSTUDIO 5.6E LE(Windows XP SP2, Windows 2000SP4)If you wish to capture data from a tape, set themovie camera to tape playback mode and insertthe tape. If you wish to capture images from thelens of the movie camera, set the movie camerato the tape recording mode and remove the tapeand the card.≥If a short-cut icon has been created on thedesktop during installation, it is also possible tostart by double-clicking on the icon.≥Please read the PDF-based instructions for howto use it.≥The screen is the MotionDV STUDIO selectionscreen.About the PDF operating instructions forSweetMovieLife/MotionDV STUDIOFor details on how to use the softwareapplications, read the help file.1 Set [start] >> [All Programs (Programs)] >>[Panasonic] >> [SweetMovieLife 1.0E] or[MotionDV STUDIO 5.6E LE for DV] >>[Manual(PDF format)].≥Start the software and select [Help] >> [Help]from the menu to display the help file.≥You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 orlater to read the PDF operating instructions.With USB cable (supplied)The personal computer should be compatible withUSB port (Hi-Speed USB(USB 2.0)).1 Set the movie camera to tape playbackmode or tape recording mode.≥You cannot use SweetMovieLife in taperecording mode.2 Set [BASIC] or [ADVANCED] >>[USB FUNCTION] >> [MOTION DV].3 Connect the movie camera to personalcomputer with auxiliary USB cable.1) USB cable2) USB terminal4 Select [start] >> [All Programs (Programs)]>> [Panasonic] >> [SweetMovieLife 1.0E]/[MotionDV STUDIO 5.6E LE for DV] >>[SweetMovieLife]/[MotionDV STUDIO LE forDV].≥You cannot record the video edited by the PConto the tape in the movie camera.2)1)