Phonebook19For assistance, please visit and calling aphonebook entryScrolling through all entries1 Press {2} or {1} to enter thephonebook list.2 {4} / {3}: Select the desiredentry.≥ Item with # at the beginning will bedisplayed with first priority if callrestriction (page 22) is turned on.3 Lift the handset or press{SP-PHONE} to start calling.Searching by first character(alphabetically)1 Press {2} or {1} to enter thephonebook list.2 Press the dial key ({0}j{9}, {£}or {#}) which contains thecharacter you are searching for(page 18).≥ Press the same dial key repeatedlyto display the first entrycorresponding to each characterlocated on that dial key.≥ If there is no entry corresponding tothe character you selected, the nextentry is displayed.3 {4} / {3}: Scroll through thephonebook if necessary.4 Lift the handset or press{SP-PHONE} to start calling.Editing entries1 Press {2} or {1} to enter thephonebook list.2 {4} / {3}: Select the desiredentry > {OK}3 Edit the name if necessary(15 characters max.: page 18)> {OK}4 Edit the phone number ifnecessary (32 digits max)> {OK} > {PROGRAM/EXIT}Erasing entries1 Press {2} or {1} to enter thephonebook list.2 {4} / {3}: Select the desiredentry > {CLEAR} > {OK}≥ A beep sounds.3 {PROGRAM/EXIT}Chain dialThis feature allows you to dial phonenumbers in the phonebook while youare on a call. This feature can be used,for example, to dial a calling cardaccess number or bank account PINthat you have stored in the phonebook,without having to dial manually.1 During an outside call, press {2}or {1}.2 {4} / {3}: Select the desiredentry > {OK}Note:≥ When storing a calling card accessnumber and your PIN in the phonebookas one phonebook entry, press {PAUSE}to add pauses after the number and PINas necessary (page 13).≥ If you have rotary/pulse service, youneed to press {£} before pressing {2}or {1} in step 1 to change the dialingmode temporarily to Page 19 Friday, October 15, 2010 5:04 PM