Making/Answering Calls13For assistance, please visit (for PBX/long distanceservice users)A pause is sometimes required whenmaking calls using a PBX or longdistance service. When storing acalling card access number and/orPIN in the phonebook, one-touch dialor speed dial, a pause is also needed.Example: If you need to dial the lineaccess number “9” when makingoutside calls with a PBX:1 {9} > {PAUSE}2 Dial the phone number.3 Lift the handset or press{SP-PHONE} to start calling.Note:≥ A 3.5 second pause is inserted eachtime {PAUSE} is pressed. Repeat asneeded to create longer pauses.Answering callsWhen a call is being received, the unitrings, the ringer indicator flashesquickly and “Incoming call” isdisplayed. You can answer a call bysimply lifting the handset.Using the speakerphone1 {SP-PHONE}2 When you finish talking, press{SP-PHONE}.Note:≥ The ringer indicator will flash whens a telephone number is dialed in“Pulse” mode, ors someone picks up or hangs upanother phone connected to the samephone line.This is normal.Adjusting the unit ringer volumeYou can select the ringer volume toHIGH, LOW or OFF. The defaultsetting is HIGH.OFF Page 13 Friday, October 15, 2010 5:04 PM