1.10 Using User-supplied Equipment146 User Manual1.10.5 If a Voice Processing System is ConnectedYou or an outside party can access the Voice Processing System from a telephone.– Call Forwarding to Voice Mail (Voice Mail Integration)If your PBX has a Panasonic Voice Processing System connected (e.g., KX-TVP/KX-TVS series) usingdigital integration, the following features are also available:– Screening Calls (Live Call Screening [LCS])– Recording a ConversationCall Forwarding to Voice Mail (Voice Mail Integration)– To forward your calls to your mailbox– To transfer a call to a mailbox– To listen to messagesIf you cannot answer calls, you can forward them to your mailbox. You can select the type of incoming calls(Intercom Calls/Outside Calls/Both Calls) that are forwarded.If your telephone has a Message button, the Message light turns on when a message is left in your mailbox.You will hear an indication tone* when going off-hook, regardless of whether or not your telephone has aMessage button.You can also create a Voice Mail Transfer button on your phone to transfer received outside calls to a mailboxof another extension so that calling parties can leave messages (Voice Mail Transfer).The duration for recording depends on the voice processing system.To forward your calls to your mailboxPT/SLT/PSvoice mail floatingextension no.On-hook.Enter voice mail floatingextension number.Enter required number.20345CancelAll CallsBusyNo AnswerBusy/No AnswerOff-hook. Enter 71. Enter 0 to 2 as you desire.120 Both CallsIntercom CallsOutside CallsOROR17C.ToneEnter #.#For "Cancel",go on-hook directly.For "Cancel", go on-hookdirectly after entering 0.