InstallationInstallation Manual 392.4.2 Lightning Protector InstallationA lightning protector is a device to be installed on a CO line to prevent a dangerous surge fromentering the building and damaging equipment. A dangerous surge can occur if a telephone linecomes in contact with a power line. Trouble due to lightning surges have been showing a steadyincrease with the development of electronic equipment. In many countries, there areregulations requiring the installation of a lightning protector. A lightning strike to a telephonecable which is 10 m above ground can be as high as 200,000 volts. This system should beinstalled with lightning protectors. In addition, grounding (connection to earth ground) is veryimportant for the protection of the system.Installation DiagramOutside Installation DiagramIf you install an extension outside of the main building, the following precautions arerecommended:1. Install the extension wire underground.2. Use a conduit to protect the wire.ISDN TELLightningProtectorsCOTerminalBoardCOSystemProtectiveEarthTerminalCOEXTN.EXTN.GroundEXTN.DPT or SLT Frame GroundCO: Outside lineEXTN.: Extension lineProtectorsLightningProtectorGroundTerminalBoardTEL TELSLTISDN TELSystem(Another Building)COCOEXTN.EXTN. EXTN.EXTN.