1.1 Before Operating the TelephonesUser Manual 15When You Use a Panasonic Proprietary TelephoneIf you use a Panasonic proprietary telephone and the Console, they may have some of the useful featurebuttons described below. For a PS user, refer to "Operating Instructions" for PS. These buttons makeoperations simple. The illustrations may differ from the buttons on your telephone.Fixed ButtonsCO :Used to make or receive an outsidecall. (Button assignment is required.)Also used as feature buttons. (Buttonassignment is required.)(Only the CO line "number" [e.g., 1, 2]may be shown on some telephones.)SP-PHONE :Used for hands-free operation.AUTO DIAL/STORE :Used for System/Personal SpeedDialing or storing program changes.PAUSE :Used to insert a pause when storing atelephone number. This button alsofunctions as the PROGRAM buttonwhen there is no PROGRAM button onyour telephone.REDIAL :Used to redial the last dialed number.MESSAGE :Used to leave a message waitingindication or call back the party who leftthe message waiting indication.INTERCOM :Used to make or receive intercomcalls.AUTO ANS (Auto Answer)/MUTE :Used to receive an incoming call inhands-free mode or mute themicrophone during a conversation.MONITOR :Used for hands-free dialing. You canmonitor the party's voice in hands-freemode.HOLD :Used to place a call on hold.TRANSFER :Used to transfer a call to another party.CONF (Conference) :Used to establish a multiple partyconversation.FLASH/RECALL :Used to disconnect the current call andmake another call without hanging up.Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do NotDisturb (DND) :Used to perform Call Forwarding (FWD)or Do Not Disturb (DND).(CO)SPSP-PHONEMONITORMONITORFLASH/RECALL