1.2.7 Calling without Restrictions– Using Your Calling Privileges at Another Extension (Remote COS Access)Using Your Calling Privileges at Another Extension (Remote COSAccess)You can use your calling privileges (Class of Service) at another extension. You may override restrictions whichhave been set. To use this feature, an original extension number and an extension PIN (Personal IdentificationNumber) are required. You can make a call by entering a verification code and verification code PIN.To call (Walking COS)Off-hook.PT/SLT/PS74Enter 47.extension PINextension no.yourextension no. extension no.desiredphone no.Dial yourextension number.Enter extension PIN(max. 10 digits).If a wrong extension PIN isentered, you hear an alarm tone.Dial desiredphone number.Seize outside line before enteringoutside phone number.C.Tone &D.TonePIN: Personal Identification NumberTo call with a verification code (Verification Code Entry)Off-hook.PT/SLT/PS/SIP Extn.74Enter 47. Enter .verification code PINverification codeEnter verification code(max. 4 digits).Enter verification codePIN (max. 10 digits).If a wrong verification code PIN isentered, you hear an alarm tone.extension no.desiredphone no.Dial desiredphone number.Seize outside line before enteringoutside phone number.C.Tone &D.TonePIN: Personal Identification Number*• * SIP phone users will not hear the C. Tone and D. Tone.46 User Manual1.2.7 Calling without Restrictions