1.16 Cellular Phone Features1.16.1 Cellular Phone FeaturesWhen you are not at your desk or not in the office and receive a forwarded outside call on your cellular phone,you can use the following features if enabled through system programming.– Transferring to an Extension in the PBX– Adding Other Parties during a Conversation (Conference)– Talking to Two Parties Alternately (Call Splitting)– Paging and then Transferring a Call– Transferring to a Private Network (TIE Line Access)– Transferring to an Outside Phone Number• Some features may not be available for cellular phones, depending on the type of outsideline being used.Transferring to an Extension in the PBXTo transferDial extension number.During a conversationCellular Phoneextension no.D.ToneEnter #. On-hook.Talk.This step can be omitted.• When transferring a call from an analogue trunk, you cannot talk to the destination party afterdialling an extension number.• You cannot transfer a call to a DISA floating extension number.User Manual 1931.16.1 Cellular Phone Features