“ Using the Functions5 The selected file name appears in the Filename field of the FirmwareUpgrade web screen. If you already know the new software file name,you can type it into the filename field directly.6 Make sure the new software file name is selected and click[Upgrade].7 Click [Restart\Now !\] to restart the KX-HGW200.The KX-HGW200 restarts.Error Message≥File size is invalid≥CRC error occurred≥File is not ELF format≥Selected file is invalid≥Not enough memoryCause and RemedyYour selected software file is damaged. If the software file wasdownloaded from the Panasonic support site, download it again. Ifthe software file was copied from a floppy disk or compact disk,make sure the disk that contains the software is not broken.Your selected software file is not for the KX-HGW200. Reselectthe proper file and update it again.Your selected software file is not for the KX-HGW200. Reselectthe proper file and update it again.ORMake sure your KX-HGW200 hardware version matches thesoftware file by reading the readme file that comes with thesoftware file.The KX-HGW200’s internal memory has been depleted. Restartthe KX-HGW200 and update it again.Error messages≥If not completed, an errormessage appears. Seebelow “Error messages” formore detailed information.≥If completed, after a fewseconds, the screen belowappears.Note:When you use the KX-HGW200 DHCP server function (p. 33), restartthe computer(s) in the home network.Information:The latest KX-HGW200 software is also available as follows:≥Included in a floppy disk or compact disk that came with the product.OR≥Downloaded from the Panasonic support web site.http://www.kmelink.net/ipproducts/us/download/index.html40