41.6 Rear PanelThe K-NL316K rear panel is shown as below. See Figure 1-2.Figure 1-2Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.Name FunctionPower switch / Power on-off buttonPower inputport/ Input AC 100~240V.MIC IN Audio input port Bidirectional talk input port. It is to receive theanalog audio signal output from the devices suchas microphone, pickup.MIC OUT Audio output port Audio output port. It is to output the analog audiosignal to the devices such as the sound box. Bidirectional talk output. Audio output on 1-window video monitor. Audio output on 1-window video playback.VIEDEOOUT Video output port CVBS output1~16 Alarm input port1~16 There are four groups. The first group is fromport 1 to port 4, the second group is from port5 to port 8, the third group is from 9 to 12, andthe fourth group is from 13 to 16. They are toreceive the signal from the external alarmsource. There are two types; NO (normalopen)/NC (normal close). When your alarm input device is usingexternal power, please make sure the deviceand the NVR have the same ground.NO1~NO3 Alarm output port1~3 3 groups of alarm output ports. (Group 1:portNO1~C1,Group 2:port NO2~C2, Group 3:port NO3, C3, NC3).Output alarm signal to thealarm device. Please make sure there ispower to the external alarm device. NO: Normal open alarm output port. C: Alarm output public end. NC: Normal close alarm output port.C1~C3NC3