Sending Documents46Your machine quickly stores the document into the machine's memory.Then, starts to dial the telephone number.If the transmission fails, your machine will re-transmit the remaining unsuccessful page(s) automatically.NOTE 1. The File Number of the document being stored is shown at the upper right corner of the displaywhile storing the document. It is also printed on the Communication Journal (COMM.JOURNAL), Transaction Journal and File List. The percentage of memory used is shown onthe lower right corner of the display after each page is stored.* STORE * NO.003PAGES=002 10%* STORE * COMPLETEDTOTAL PAGES=005 30%2. If memory overflow occurs while storing documents, the remaining documents on the ADF willbe ejected. The machine prompts you whether to transmit the successfully stored documentsor to cancel the transmission. Press to cancel or press to transmit.MEMORY OVERFLOWINFO. CODE=870See the Specifications on page 144 for the image memory capacity.If no action is taken within 10 seconds, the machine will start transmitting the storeddocuments.15 PAGES COMPLETEDDELETE? 1:YES 2:NO3. An Information Code will be displayed if the transmission has failed or no answer at thereceiving side after the last automatic redial.The document stored for this transmission will be erased from the memory automatically andthe information code is printed for the transmission on the Communication Journal (COMM.JOURNAL).Memory TransmissionTransmit ReceiveAAStore documentin memoryA1Destination ADestination B2 31 2