EBL512 G3 V. 3.0.X - FIRE ALARM SOLUTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS68FAULT: No reply expansion board x loop xcontrol unit xxThis is valid for the I/O Matrix board (4582) no. x, connected on COM loop x in the control unit no. xx.• Check the board's address, i.e. the I/O Matrix board no. (Jumpers JP1, JP2 and JP3 on the board).• Check if the board is disconnected from the loop.FAULT: No reply, alert annunciation unit xx,channel x, control unit xxFAULT: No reply, external presentation unit xxChannel x, control unit xxFAULT: No reply, fire brigade panel xx,channel x, control unit xxFAULT: No reply, General Control Panel xx,channel x, CU xxAlert Annunciation UnitExternal Presentation UnitExternal Fire Brigade PanelGeneral Control Panel• The contact with the unit is interrupted. Check the cable, all connections, etc. Is correct / complete SSD downloaded (viaEBLWin)? Check the address and SW mode settings.FAULT: No reply Loop unit xxxxxxThe unit (e.g. a customized unit), cannot be found by the control unit.• Check the unit's COM loop address (with the programming tool 3314 / 4414).• Check the downloaded site specific data (SSD).• The unit might be faulty.• The unit might be removed from the COM loop.• There might be a double break or short-circuit on the COM loop.FAULT: No reply zone: xxx address: xxtechnical number xxxxxxThe unit cannot be found by the control unit.• Check the unit's COM loop address (with the programming tool 3314 / 4414).• Check the downloaded site specific data (SSD).• The unit might be faulty.• The detector might be removed from its base.• There might be a double break or short-circuit on the COM loop.• Valid for a wireless smoke detector 4611or wireless manual call point 4614:Battery voltage < 2.3 V or the Base station (4620) does not receive any detector data.