5RQT8792Tips for making data discs≥ If groups were created away from the root like “002 group” in the illustration below, the eighth oneand onwards is displayed on the same vertical line in the menu screen.≥ There may be differences in the display order on the menu screen and computer screen.≥ This unit cannot play files recorded using packet writing.Naming folders and files on data discs(Files are treated as contents and folders are treated asgroups on this unit.)At the time of recording, prefix folder and file names. This should bewith numbers that have an equal number of digits, and should be donein the order you want to play them (this may not work at times).DVD-RAM≥ Discs must conform to UDF 2.0.DVD-R/RW≥ Discs must conform to UDF bridge (UDF 1.02/ISO9660).≥ This unit is not compatible with multi-session. Only the defaultsession is played.CD-R/RW≥ Discs must conform to ISO9660 level 1 or 2 (except for extended formats).≥ This unit is compatible with multi-session but if there are a lot of sessions it takes more time for playto start. Keep the number of sessions to a minimum to avoid this.Format Disc Extension Reference[WMA] CD-R/RW “.WMA”“.wma”≥ Compatible compression rate: between 48 kbps and 320 kbps≥ You cannot play WMA files that are copy protected.≥ This unit is not compatible with Multiple Bit Rate (MBR: a file thatcontains the same content encoded at several different bit rates).[MP3] DVD-RAMDVD-R/RWCD-R/RW“.MP3”“.mp3”Sampling frequency:DVD-RAM, DVD-R/RW: 11.02, 12, 22.05, 24, 44.1, and 48 kHzCD-R/RW : 8, 11.02, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz≥ Compatible compression rate: between 32 kbps and 320 kbps.≥ This unit is not compatible with ID3 tags.[JPEG] DVD-RAMDVD-R/RWCD-R/RW“.JPG”“.jpg”“.JPEG”“.jpeg”≥ JPEG files taken on a digital camera that conform toDCF Standard Version 1.0 are displayed.– Files that have been altered, edited or saved withcomputer picture editing software may not be displayed.≥ This unit cannot display moving pictures, MOTIONJPEG and other such formats, still pictures other thanJPEG (e.g. TIFF) or play pictures with attached audio.[MPEG4] DVD-RAMDVD-R/RWCD-R/RW“.ASF”“.asf”≥ You can play MPEG4 data [conforming to SD VIDEOspecifications (ASF standard)/MPEG4 (Simple Profile) videosystem/G.726 audio system] recorded with the Panasonic SDmulti cameras or DVD recorders with this unit.≥ The recording date may differ from that of the actual date.[DivX] DVD-RAMDVD-R/RWCD-R/RW“.DIVX”“.divx”“.AVI”“.avi”≥ Plays all versions of DivX video (including DivX ® 6)[DivX video system/MP3, Dolby Digital or MPEG audiosystem] with standard playback of DivX ® media files.Functions added with DivX Ultra are not supported.≥ DivX files greater than 2GB or have no index may notplay properly on this unit.≥ This unit supports all resolutions up to maximum of720 k480 (NTSC)/720 k576 (PAL).≥ You can select up to 8 types of audio and subtitles on this unit.002 group001001 group001 track.mp3002 track.mp3003 track.mp3003 group001 track.mp3002 track.mp3003 track.mp3001 track.mp3002 track.mp3003 track.mp3004 track.mp3e.g. [MP3]rootTips for making data discs