Chapter 1. System Programming (FF1) Section 400-ProgrammingPage 1-174 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-400Other Alarms DetectionSoftware Version: CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: Master Cabinet: FF1 8# 4# 4# 2# 4# (0-15)#Slave Cabinet: FF1 8# 4# 5# 2# 4# (0-15)#Description Determines how long an out-of-frame (OOF), loss of signal, sync loss, or AISsignal must be on before the system generates an alarm.If an OOF, Sync Loss, or AIS alarm occurs, a corresponding LED on the T1card lights. (Sync Loss alarms light the “SLIP” LED.)The alarm relay on the T1 MDF card will also close if the corresponding relayparameter is enabled.ProgrammingTable 1-52. Other Alarms Detection timer valuesSetting Value0 0 ms1 250 ms2 500 ms3 750 ms4 1000 ms5 1250 ms6 1500 ms7 1750 ms8 2000 ms9 2500 ms10 3000 ms11 3500 ms12 4000 ms13 4500 ms14 5000 ms15 5500 msFF1 8# 4# (4 or 5)# 2# 4# (0-15)#4=Master Cabinet Other Alarms Detection timer setting5=Slave Cabinet Default: 1 (250 ms) (see table below)