- 15 -YH Adjustment (VR2 for Vertical dynamicconvergence)1. Apply a crosshatch pattern.2. Adjust contrast and brightness customer controlsto obtain a correct picture.3. With a driver Adjust VR2 (located in deflection yokeboard Fig. 19) to obtain a proper corvergence atleft and right side of the screen. (See Fig. 14)X V Adjustment(precise adjustment)1. Apply a crosshatch pattern.2. Adjust contrast and brightness customer controlsto obtain a correct picture.3. With a driver adjust the coil located in deflectionyoke board to obtain a proper convergencehorizontally.Note: Apply a red pattern and confirm purity, if purityis poor, repeat purity adjustments.Permalloy Convergence Corrector Strip(Part No. 0FMK014ZZ)This strip is used in some sets to match the yoke andCRT for optimum convergence. If the yoke or CRT isreplaced, the strip may not be required.First converge the set without the strip and observethe corners.If correction is needed:1. Place strip between CRT and yoke, in quadrantneeding correction. Slowly move it around fordesired results.2. Press adhesive tightly to the CRT and securewith tape.DAF AdjustmentPreparation:1. Apply a crosshatch pattern.2. Set user controls, bright to center and picture tomax.3. Connect a frequency counter to TPD10.Procedure:1. Connect channel one of the oscilloscope with 10x1probe to TPP33.2. Connect channel two of the oscilloscope with 10x1probe to CRT HEATER (L-Board).3. Adjust R1581 so that frequency counter reads15.7kHz±100Hz.4. Adjust R1577 so that signal on TPP33 is on phasewith CRT HEATER (L-Board) pin. (see Fig. 16)G B&R G B&RG B&R G B&RFigure 14. VR2 Adjustment (Y H )GB&RGB&RGB&RGB&RFigure 15. XV AdjustmentTPP33HEATERPINFigure 16. DAF Adjustment