- 13 -Purity and Convergence ProcedureAdjustment is necessary only if the CRT or thedeflection yoke is replaced or if the setting wasdisturbed. The complete procedure consists of:1. Vertical Raster Shift Adjustment. (Only for Modelswith Purity/Convergence Assembly with 4 Pairsof Rings).2. Initial static convergence.3. Setting the purity.4. Final static convergence.When the CRT or the Yoke is ReplacedPlace the yoke on the CRT neck (do not tightenthe clamp).Place the vertical raster shift tabs at 3 o’clock (90 o fromthe purity and convergence tabs)Turn the Receiver ON. Operate the Receiver for 60minutes using the first Purity Check field (white screen)to stabilize the CRT.Fully degauss the Receiver by using an externaldegaussing coil.Slide the deflection yoke back and forth on the neck ofthe CRT until it produces a near white, uniform raster.Vertical Raster Shift Adjustment (Only forModels with Purity/Convergence Assembly with 4Pairs of Rings).Apply a green pattern with a horizontal line, adjust theDeflection Yoke so that has no tilt, then secure it.Adjust center line of the pattern with the mechanicalcenter of the CRT, this center is determined by twomarks at the side edges of the screen. To adjust theline, once the vertical raster shift tabs are place at 3o’clock to reduce its magnetic field effect (see Fig. 9and Fig. 10) open the tabs the same angle from thecenter, until the center line of the pattern becomes astraight line, centered with the marks of the CRT. (seeFig. 11)G3 G4Purity Rings CenteredOver G3/G4 GapR&B Convergence RingsR&B&G Convergence RingsVertical Raster Shift RingFigure 9. Positioning of Purity/ConvergenceAssembly (4 Pairs of Rings)90 oPurity RingsVertical RasterR&B Convergence RingsR&B&G Convergence RingsFigure 10. Positioning of Purity/ConvergenceAssembly (4 Pairs of Rings)Shift RingsVertical Raster Shift tabsOpen thesame anglefrom centerFigure 11. Vertical Raster Shift Adjustment(4 pairs of rings assembly)Center Marksfrom patternCenter lineMechanical