- 14 -Initial Center Static ConvergenceConnect a dot/cross hatch generator to the Receiverand tune in a signal. Observe misconvergence atcenter of the screen only.Adjust the R&B pole magnets; by separating tabs androtating to converge blue with red.Adjust the R&B and R&B&G pole magnets: byseparating tabs and rotating to converge blue and red(magenta) with green.Note: Precise convergence at this point isnot important.Purity AdjustmentWhen the Receiver is in the Serviceman Mode formaking electronic adjustments, press the Recall buttonon the Remote Control to enter Purity Check. (See theService Adjustments Electronic Controlsprocedure).Operate the Receiver for 60 minutes using the firstPurity Check field (white screen) to stabilize the CRT.Fully degauss the Receiver by using an externaldegaussing coil.Press the Recall button on the Remote Control againuntil the Purity Check (green screen) appears.Loosen the deflection yoke clamp screw and move thedeflection yoke back as close to the purity magnetas possible.Adjust the Purity rings to set the vertical green rasterprecisely at the center of the screen (see Fig .12).Slowly move the deflection yoke forward until the bestoverall green screen is displayed.Tighten the deflection yoke clamp screw.Press the Recall button on the Remote Control againuntil the purity check blue and red screens appear andobserve that good purity is obtained on each respectivefield.Press the Recall button on the Remote Control againuntil Purity check (white screen) appears. Observe thescreen for uniform white. If purity has not beenachieved, repeat the above procedure.Final Convergence Procedure (see Fig. 17through Fig. 19):Note: Vertical size and focus adjustments must becompleted prior to performing the convergenceadjustment. Connect a dot pattern generator to theReceiver. The Brightness level should not be higherthan necessary to obtain a clear pattern.Converge the red and the blue dots at the center of thescreen by rotating the R&B pole Static ConvergenceMagnets.Align The converged red/blue dots with the green dotsat the center of the screen by rotating the R&B&G poleStatic Convergence Magnets. Melt wax with solderingiron to reseal the magnets.Slightly tilt vertically and horizontally (do not rotate) thedeflection yoke to obtain a good overall convergence.If convergence is not reached at the edges, insertpermalloy (see following section) from the DY cornersto achieve proper convergence. Recheck for purity andreadjust if necessary.After vertical adjustment of the yoke, insert wedge at 11o’clock position, then make the horizontaltilt adjustment.Secure the deflection yoke by inserting two sidewedges at 3 and 7 o’clock positions.Apply adhesive between tab (thin portion) of wedgeand CRT and place tape over the tab to secure tothe CRT.Dynamic Corvergence AdjustmentUse this for a precisely overall convergence adjust atthe edges.DY(YHC , Y V, X V ) AdjustmentY V Adjustment (VR1 for Horizontal dynamicconvergence)1. Apply a crosshatch pattern.2. Adjust contrast and brightness customer controlsto obtain a correct picture.3. With a driver adjust VR1 (located in deflection yokeboard Fig. 19) to obtain a proper corvergence attop and bottom of the screen (See Fi g.13)NOTES:1. CRT warm up with white screen(three guns activated) is neededto stabilize the shadow maskexpansion.2. Initial center static convergence(roughly centers three gunbeams) is required in order toperform purity adjustment.Figure 12. Green Raster Adjustment Green RasterGB&RGB&RGB&RGB&RFigure 13. VR1 Adjustment (Y V )