Control Operation (cont.)Helpful Hints:Recall Button - Press the RECALL button toreview:(_ Audio Mode Status(_ CH Number or Video Input Selected(_ Sleep Timer Status(_ Clock Time(_ Channel Caption (Station Identifier)SAP CH 03MONO XYYZ1_ 29 1:00® @®R-Tune Button - Pressing the R-TUNE (RAPIDTUNE) button will switch between the last two channelsselected on the numeric keypad.NOTE: When rapidly scanning channels with theCHANNEL UP/DOWN button, pressing theR-TUNE button will switch between the lastchannel scanned, and initialchannel at the startof scanning. _CHANNEL NOW CHANNEL TUNEDBEING VIEWED IMMEDIATELY BEFOREPress ButtonPress Button Again.=Mute Button - Press the MUTE button to quicklyreduce sound level (Mute will appear on screen). Pressagain to restore sound.Multi ButtonThe MULTI button can be programmed to operate upto six (6) Remote function buttons at the same time.For Example: TV Power/On, VCR Power/On and Cablebox Power/On (selected brands) can be operated at thesame time with one press of the MULTI button.Procedure1. First program the Remote for the selected deviceInfrared access code. Confirm that the RemoteControl is compatible with the equipment.2. Face the Remote Control transmitter away from allequipment remote sensors.3. Press and hold the Remote POWER button, thenpress and hold the ACTION button down at the sametime for three seconds. (All previous commands areerased.) ,_..,_PRESS AT THE SAME TIME ---_r_-FOR THREE SECONDS _ J,4. After three seconds, release the POWER andACTION buttons.5. Press the MULTI button. (Waiting more than 30seconds without pressing another button will exit theprogramming mode.)6. Press a maximum of six (6) function buttons on theRemote.Each button you press is equal to one function. If sixRemote button functions are entered, all will registerin the MULTI button memory in the sequenceentered. When finished, press the MULTI button toend the program mode.The following is an example flow chart of Remotefunctions that can be programmed into the MULTIbutton (The VCR Mode button should beprogrammed before starting procedure see pg.40).PRESS AT THE SAME TIME PRESS PRESSFOR THREE SECONDSPRESS PRESS PRESS TO ENDPROGRAM MODENow you can turn the TV and VCR ON/OFF at thesame time with one press of the MULTI button.To delete entered functions - Press and hold theRemote POWER button then press and hold theACTION button down at the same time for threeseconds. Now you can enter from one to six differentRemote functions.NOTE: You can also program the MULTI button toperform most individual Remote Control buttonfunctions. Buttons which continuously performa function as long as pressed (VolumeUp/Down, Channel Up/Down, etc.) cannot beprogrammed. Only those buttons whichperform a function when initially pressed(Power On/Off, Mute, Direct Channel Entry,etc.) can be programmed.-15-