English119INDIRECT, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THEUSE OR POSSESSION OF THE INFORMATION;OR FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE,CONTRACTS OR SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHERDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGOUT OF YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USETHIS INFORMATION, ANY DEFECT IN THEINFORMATION, OR THE BREACH OF THESETERMS OR CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN ANACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR BASEDON A WARRANTY, EVEN IF Panasonic OR ITSLICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some States,Territories and Countries do not allow certainliability exclusions or damages limitations, so tothat extent the above may not apply to you.n Export Control.You agree not to export from anywhere anypart of the Data provided to you or any directproduct thereof except in compliance with, andwith all licenses and approvals required under,applicable export laws, rules and regulations.n Entire Agreement.These terms and conditions constitute the entireagreement between Panasonic (and its licensors,including their licensors and suppliers) and youpertaining to the subject matter hereof, andsupersedes in their entirety any and all written ororal agreements previously existing between uswith respect to such subject matter.n Governing Law.The above terms and conditions shall begoverned by the laws of the State of Illinois,without giving effect to (i) its conflict of lawsprovisions, or (ii) the United Nations Conventionfor Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,which is explicitly excluded. You agree to submitto the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois for anyand all disputes, claims and actions arising fromor in connection with the Data provided to youhereunder.n Government End Users.If the Data is being acquired by or on behalfof the United States government or any otherentity seeking or applying rights similar tothose customarily claimed by the United Statesgovernment, this Data is a “commercial item”as that term is defined at 4 C.F.R. (“FAR”).101, is licensed in accordance with theseEnd User Terms, and each copy of the Datadelivered or otherwise furnished shall bemarked and embedded as appropriate with thefollowing “Notice of Use,” and shall be treated inaccordance with such Notice:NOTICE OF USECONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) NAME: NAVTEQCONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) ADDRESS: Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 00,Chicago, Illinois 054This Data is a commercial item as defined in FAR .101 and is subject to the End User Termsunder which this Data was provided.© 005 NAVTEQ – All rights reserved.If the Contracting Officer, federal government agency, or any federal official refuses to use the legendprovided herein, the Contracting Officer, federal government agency, or any federal official must notifyNAVTEQ prior to seeking additional or alternative rights in the Data.© MAPMASTER