Panasonic BQ-CC55A Operating Instructions Manual
HR33417PanasonicQUICKCHARGERModel BQ-CC55AOPERATING INSTR UCTIONSRechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries• Thank you for purchasing thePanasonic Charger, MODELBQ-CC55A.• IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS-SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS.• DANGER-TOREDUCE THERISK OF FIREOR ELECTRICSHOCK,CAREFULLYFOLLOW THESEINSTRUCTIONS.BQ-CC55A Charger Specification 1AA11fF~~Ll~Parts locationChargingindicator lights(Locatedin the battery charger)©terminalAAA et erminalAA et erminalFig. 1AAAFig. 2AA size 1 - 4 pcs&~AAA size 1 - 4 pcsm--Comb inations of up to fourAA or AAA batteries;Input AC100-240V- 50/60 Hz0.3A Size(L,W,H) 4.75"x2.69" x 1.13", 121x68 x 29 mmDC1.5V · 750mAx4 (AAsize) Weight 4.14ounces 117gramsOutput DC1.5V · 275mAx 4 (AAAsize) TempRange 32°F• 95°F,o·c · 35°C (indooruseonly)Batteries Size mAh ChargeTime(3-4batterycells) ChargeTime(1-2batterycells)eneloop AA upto 2000mAh Approx3 Hours Approx 1.5Hourseneloop AAA upto 800mAh Approx3 Hours Approx1.5Hoursenelooppro AA upto 2550mAh Approx4 Hours Approx2 Hoursenelooppro AAA up to 950mAh Approx4 Hours Approx2 Hours"Chatge r ime~is the amount of timeit takes to chargea fuBydischargedbattery.Actual chargetimel'lill depend on the remainingcharge in the batte,ycenand the ambient t9mperatute. Table 1ENGLISHPlease readtheseinstructionsandwarningsbeforeusingthis product, and save this manual for futureuse. In addition, be sure to readthe warnings onthebatteries.CAUTION1. To reduce the risk of injury,we recommend thatPanasonic Ni-MH rechargeablebatteriesare used.2. Donot use non-rechargeable batteries.3. Donot open or disassemblethe charger.4. Do not get the charger wet or allowwaterorotherliquids to enterthecharger.5. Only use the charger indoors, in a dry location.6. Donot use the charger if its plug or thebatteries aredamaged.7. Do not use the charger in direct sunlight.8. Forconnection to a powersupply locatedoutsidethe U.S or Canada, use the properplug adapter.9. Thischarger is intendedfor use in a vertical,upright position.Readandfollowall instructions.Childrenshouldnotusethischargerwithoutadultsupervision.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFORU.S.A.ONLYWarning: Any changes or modifications notexpressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority tooperate this equipment.FCCNote:This equipment has beentestedandfoundto complywiththe limits for a ClassB digitaldevice, pursuant to Part15 of the FCCRules.Theselimits aredesignedto providereasonableprotectionagainstharmful interferencein a residentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradio frequencyenergyand,if notinstalledandusedin accordancewiththe instructions,maycauseharmfulinterferenceto radiocommunications.However, thereis noguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurin a particular installation.If thisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferenceto radioor televisionreception,which canbe determinedby turningtheequipmentoffandon,the user is encouragedto tryto correctthe interferenceby oneof thefollowingmeasures:Reorientor relocatethereceivingantenna.Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandthe receiver.• Connecttheequipmentinto an outlet on a circuitdifferentfrom that to whichthe receiver isconnected.Consultthedealeror an experiencedradio/TVtechnicianfor help.Panasonic Energy Corporation of A mericaColumbus, GA 31907 800-211-PANAwww. supportpanason icbatteryproducts.comThischargerallowsAAandAAANi-MHrechargeablebatteriesto be chargedin multiple combinations;fromoneto fourbatteriesat a time.(fig 3)1) Observethecorrect polarityby matchingthepositive1;-) andnegative (·) terminalson thebatteries to the positive(+) andnegative (-) on thecharger.Insertthebatteriesfromthe negative (·)endfirst.(fig2) If a AAAbatteryis inserted fromthepositive(+) endfirst, thenegative(·) terminal on thechargermay be damaged.2) Plugthe charger intoa standard 100-240V ACoutlet.• ThegreenLEDlight moves from left to right for about 3secondsbeforechargingstarts. Batterycell chargecapacityis being performedduring this time.3) ThechargerLEDlightswill become solid indicatingcharging hasbegun.TheLEDlightswill changecolor according tothe chargingprogress.> ·,.RedLEDlight 20%or lessCharging Yellow LEDlight 20%to80%Green LEDlight 80%ormoreCharging Off 100%complete Blinking yellow BatteryreplacementrecommendedError Blinking red Invalidbatteries(i.e.,non-rechargeable)inserted• Theremainingcharge indicationshouldonlybe usedas aroughestimate. Chargingdurationswillvarydependingonthestateof thebatteries andthechargingenvironment.Therefore, besureto chargethe batteriesuntil the LEDsarecompletely turned off.If the indicator doesnot light or blinks:a) Makesure that the batteriesareinsertedcorrectlyandthatproper contact is madewitheachterminal.b) Checkthatthe powerplugis correctlyinserted.c) Checkthatthe batteriesare notdamagedandare rechargeable.4) Chargingis completewhen the LEDturns offafter lightinggreen.Disconnect thechargerfromtheACoutlet, andremovethechargedbatteries.MAINTENANCE , CARE AND CLEANINGUnplug chargerfromAC outlet.• Cleanwitha dryclothto removedirt andgrime.Panasonic Canada Inc.Mississauga, ON english/ french/ supportpanasonic .ca/battery |
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