Appendix8-28.1 Supported Data TypesThe following table shows the data types supported by the FP0H control unit.The names and data codes of the supported data types are prescribed by the CommonIndustrial Protocol (CIP).Supporteddata type Data size Data code DescriptionBOOL 1 byte C1 Boolean logic with logical values TRUE andFALSESINT 1 byte C2 Signed 8-bit integer valueINT 2 bytes C3 Signed 16-bit integer valueDINT 4 bytes C4 Signed 32-bit integer valueLINT 8 bytes C5 Signed 64-bit integer valueUSINT 1 byte C6 Unsigned 8-bit integer valueUINT 2 bytes C7 Unsigned 16-bit integer valueUDINT 4 bytes C8 Unsigned 32-bit integer valueULINT 8 bytes C9 Unsigned 64-bit integer valueREAL 4 bytes CA 32-bit floating-point valueLREAL 8 bytes CB 64-bit floating-point valueSTRING Variable according to thesize of character string D0 Character string (1-byte character)BYTE 1 byte D1 Bit string: 8 bitsWORD 2 bytes D2 Bit string: 16 bitsDWORD 4 bytes D3 Bit string: 32 bitsLWORD 8 bytes D4 Bit string: 64 bits