GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE18Inbound RoutingUsing the Inbound Routing feature, the DP-2500/3000 can route documents received from a G3 fax machineto email address(s) or to Internet Fax machine(s) connected to a LAN as an email, as well as to other G3 faxmachine(s) over the telephone line.When an incoming Internet Fax, email or a regular fax document is received, the DP-2500/3000, checksfor the following:1. First, the DP-2500/3000 checks whether a sub-address is included. If it is, it will look for a sub-addressmatch within its auto dialer and will route the documents to the corresponding stations email address(s)and/or telephone number(s).2. If no sub-address is specified, then the DP-2500/3000 tries to match the originating fax machine’s NumericID (TSI) with the TSI routing within its auto dialer and will route the documents to the corresponding stationsemail address(s) and/or telephone number(s).(see Note 1) (see Note 2)NOTE1. If the originating fax machine does not support the above sub-address function, sub-address destination(s)cannot be selected.2. The DP-2500/3000 will allow you to register the same sub-address number for an email address and a telephonenumber.LANPCInternet FaxEmailG3 FaxG3 FaxFax ReceptionTransfer toa G3 FaxInternet FaxInternet Communication Features