GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINEGETTING TOKNOW YOURMACHINE11Control Panel[8]Power saveREDIAREDIAL/PAUSELINELINESELECTSELECTFLASFLASH/H/SUB-ADDRSETSETORIGINALORIGINAL COPYCOPYSIZESIZE SIZESIZELEDGERLEGALINVOICELETTERLETTERMONITORMONITORRESETSTART1 2 34 5 67 8 90PQRSGHITUVJKLABCWXYZWXYZMNODEFSTOPALARMALARM ACTIVEACTIVECLEARENERGY SAVER INTERRUPT FUNCTIONTONETONEMON. VOL.MON. VOL.• Used to enter a pause when recording or dialing a telephonenumber, or to redial the last dialed number.• Used to separate the Sub-Address from the telephonenumber when dialing, or to access some features of yourPBX.• Used to set operations.• Used for adjusting the monitor volume.• Used to switch themachine into energysaving mode.For more details, seepage 33 of theOperating Instructions(For Copier.)• Used to start orselect thefunction andsub-functions.These functionsare explained indetail on page 9.• Use this button whenresetting all thepreviously setfunctions.• Use this button whencorrecting enterednumbers or characters.• Press this button whenyou want to stop thecommunication,registration operation,or audible tone.• Press this button tostart fax transmission orInternet communicationand manual faxreception.Keypad• Used for manual number dialing,recording phone numbers, andnumerical entries.Control Panel