4Front and Back Panel DescriptionsPOWER DISPLAY/UPS TESTBANKS1 2 3 4UNSAFEVOLTAGEWIRINGFAULTMX5102O VOLTS INEST’D BATTERY: 60 MINBANK 4 BATTERYBACKUP HIGHCURRENTBANK 3 BANK 2 SWITCHED BANK 2 SWITCHED BANK 1 ALWAYSONIN12VTRIGGERMAIN POWER120VAC/12A1 2 3LAN IN LAN OUT TEL IN TEL OUTUNIVERSAL COAX PROTECTIONCIRCUITBREAKERUPSCIRCUITBREAKERMAINIR OUT __ STATUS _ IR LEARN _____________ IR INPUT _Power SwitchPress the powerbutton to turn theunit ON or OFF.Meter Dimmer /UPS Test ButtonA quick press of the button will cycle themeter and front panel through severallevels of brightness. Press and hold thebutton to initiate an UPS test cycle. DuringUPS mode, pressing the button will turn offthe internal warning buzzer.Unsafe VoltageIndicatorThis LED will illumi-nate in red to warnthe user that anunsafe voltage levelis occuring.Removable BatteryAccess PanelEasy to remove forbattery access andreplacement.Outlet Bank 1IndicatorIlluminated bluewhen outlet bank 1is always on.Outlet Bank 2IndicatorIlluminated bluewhen outlet bank 2is switched on.Wiring Fault IndicatorThis LED will illuminate in red to warn the user that a wiring problem suchas a bad/missing ground or reversed wiring exists within the AC receptacle.If illuminated, disconnect all equipment and contact an electrician to insureoutlet is properly wired.Outlet Bank 4Two always on, battery pow-ered, surge protected outletsfor connected equipmentensure temporary uninterruptedoperation of connected equip-ment during a power failure.AC Power CordIR Control SectionIndicator LED’s – Indicatesstatus IR Output Jacks –Standard 1/8” (3.5mm)mono jack for connection toan IR flasher (IR flashers notincluded)Circuit Breakers forOverload ProtectionResettable circuitbreakers provide optimaloverload protection.Phone JackProtection circuit for one standardtelephone or pay-per-view lines.Phone circuit is auto-resetting. Incom-ing phone cord MUST be pluggedinto the LINE jack. Patch cords to theequipment (satellite receiver, digitalvideo recorder, telephone, etc.) MUSTbe plugged into the EQUIP jacks.2-wire protection, 270V clamping.Outlet Bank 3IndicatorIlluminated bluewhen outlet bank 3is switched on.Outlet Bank 4IndicatorIlluminated bluewhen outlet bank 4is on.Digital Voltmeter/UPS Status DisplayDuring normal operation, the digital LED voltmeterindicates the incoming line voltage. If line voltagedrops below 90VAC, or exceeds 132VAC, the UnsafeVoltage LED will flash, and during battery backup(UPS) mode the display will indicate the estimatedminutes of battery backup time.Outlet Bank 2Four switched outlets with Linear FiltrationTechnology (LiFT) controlled by the front panelPower Button or the DC Trigger input. Bank 2will turn on immediately and turn off after 5seconds. Its output is noise isolated from allother banks.LAN JackProtection circuit for one10/100 baseT Ethernet line.Incoming LAN line MUST beplugged into the LINE jack.Patch cord to the equipmentMUST be plugged into theEQUIP jacks. 8 wire protection,50V clamping.Outlet Bank 1Two always on outlets withLinear Filtration Technology(LiFT). Power will only beturned off under a fault con-dition, or when the PowerButton is switched off. Itsoutput is noise isolated fromall other outlet banks.Universal TV Coaxial Jacks3 pairs of bidirectional protec-tion circuits optimized forsatellite, cable, and antennaTV signal lines.Voltage Sense Trigger Output3.5mm (1/8”) Mini-Plug jack.Outlet Bank 3Two switched, high-current outlets controlled by thefront panel Power Button or the DC Trigger input.Bank 3 has a 5 second turn on delay and turns offimmediately. The High Current outlet provides powerfrom a low impedance noise filtration circuit thatdoes not limit the current to your equipment. Itsoutput is noise isolated from all other outlet banks.