82APPENDIX AOff-loaded Video FilesVideo files can be off-loaded to a USB flash drive or downloaded using IE. For the best compatibility and performance withWindows operating systems, we recommend that you choose AVI file format for all video backups and downloads.Backing up files to a USB flash driveBefore playing backed-up files on a Windows operating system with an application such as Windows Media Player, it may benecessary to install the file format CODEC. The CODEC is provided in ZIP format.To install the CODEC:1. Copy the CODEC from your flash drive to your Windows computer. It is named WMP_Media_Filter.2. Extract the CODEC to new folder.3. Open the folder and run the InstallFilter executable.When playing an MP4 file with Windows Media Player for the first time, you may be prompted to allow that file extension to beused. Click OK to proceed.Downloading video filesWhen downloading video files with the IE web browser, the MPEG4 CODEC pack is not included. If the CODEC is not already installedon your computer, contact your distributor.APPENDIX A: OFF-LOADED VIDEO FILES