Ranger RP34Settings in the menu4.3 Scale settings (SCALE)4.3.1 SCALE1/SCALE2 – Selecting scaleThis menu item only appears if an analog second scale or a weighing platform is con-nected.4.3.2 CAL – calibration (adjustment)This menu item is not available for certified scales without internal calibration weight.dIAGNOS tESt SC intErN/ExtErN 46KboArddISPLAYSNrSNr2LiStLiSt2LiSt.MWOrK.tim timE SHOW.tIMWEIGH SHOW.WGHrESEt.AL SUrE?Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 PageInternal For scales with an internal calibration weight:1. Unload scale.2. Activate menu item CAL with Yes. The scale calibrates with the internal calibra-tion weight. -Int CAL- appears in the display. After calibration is completed,-donE- appears briefly in the display, and the scale automatically returns toweighing mode.External For scales without an internal calibration weight:1. Unload scale.2. Activate menu item CAL with Yes. The scale determines the zero point.–0- appears in the display. The calibration weight to be placed on the scale thenflashes in the display.3. If necessary, change the weight value displayed with No.4. Place the calibration weight on the scale and confirm with Yes.The scale calibrates with the calibration weight loaded. After calibration is com-pleted, -donE- appears briefly in the display, and the scale automatically returnsto weighing mode.