Nautilus NS600XFrEQUENCY: 3 DAYS pEr WEEK (M-W-F) TIME: ABOUT 20 MINUTESStart by performing one set of each exercise. Warm up with a light resistance exercise that you can perform easily for 5 -10 repswithout fatiguing. Focus on practicing and learning your technique before increasing the resistance. Then move to a more challengingresistance you can perform for no less than 10 reps and no more than 15 reps without your form deteriorating. As you become stronger,you can advance to two sets for each exercise. Complete all sets of each exercise before moving on to the next. Rest 30 to 45 secondsbetween sets. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that will allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Countthree seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.ChestBackShouldersArmsLegsTrunkChest PressSeated Low RowsStanding Lateral Shoulder RaiseStanding Biceps CurlTriceps PushdownLeg ExtensionLeg CurlCalf RaiseLow Back ExtensionResisted Abdominal Crunch1-21-21-21-21-21-21-21-21-21-210-1510-1510-1510-1510-1510-1510-1510-1510-1510-15Body part Exercise Sets repsFrEQUENCY: 4 DAYS pEr WEEK (M-T-Th-F) TIME: ABOUT 35-45 MINUTESWhen you are proficient in performing the exercise techniques of the above routine and are no longer realizing results, or if youbecome bored, it is time to change your program. You can increase your training with this “split system” routine that works opposingmuscle groups on different days. To do this, you’ll increase your resistance when you can perform 12 reps perfectly, and you’ll increaseyour volume by performing more sets and more exercises. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that will allow you to stop the move-ment instantly at any point in the rep. Count three seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.ChestShouldersArmsLegsChest PressSeated Shoulder PressSeated Triceps PushdownTriceps PushdownLeg ExtensionLeg CurlCalf Raise1-31-31-31-31-31-31-310-1210-1210-1210-1210-1210-1210-12Body part Exercise Sets repsBackShouldersArmsTrunkSeated Lat RowsWide Pull downsStanding Lat RaiseStanding Biceps CurlLow Back ExtensionSeated Resisted Abdominal Crunch1-31-31-31-31-31-31-310-1210-1210-1210-1210-1210-1210-12Body part Exercise Sets repsDay 1 & 3Day 2 & 4ADVANCED GENErAL CONDITIONING20 MINUTE BETTEr BODY WOrKOUTThE WOrKOUTS