If you need assistance, please have both the serial number of your machine and the date of purchase available when youcontact the appropriate Nautilus office listed below.WOrLDWIDE CUSTOMEr SErVICE• NOrTh AMErICA OFFICENautilus, Inc.World Headquarters16400 S.E. Nautilus DriveVancouver, Washington, USA 98683Phone: 800-NAUTILUS (628-8458)Fax: 800-686-6466e-mail: cstech@nautilus.com• NAUTILUS INNOVATION CENTErNautilus, Inc.1886 Prairie WayLouisville, Colorado, USA 80027Phone: 800-864-1270Fax: 800-898-9410• COrpOrATE hEADQUArTErSNautilus, Inc.World Headquarters16400 S.E. Nautilus DriveVancouver, Washington, USA 98683Phone: 800-NAUTILUSINTErNATIONAL CUSTOMEr SErVICE• INTErNATIONAL OFFICENautilus International S.A.Rue Jean Prouvé 61762 Givisiez / SwitzerlandTel: +41-26-460-77-77Fax: +41-26-460-77-70E-mail: technics@nautilus.comINTERNATIONAL OFFICES:• SWITZErLAND OFFICENautilus Switzerland S.A.Tel: +41-26-460-77-66Fax: +41-26-460-77-60• GErMANY and AUSTrIA OFFICENautilus GmbHTel: +49 2203/20 20-0Fax: +49 2203/20 20-45 45• ITALY OFFICENautilus Italy s.r.l.Tel: +39-051-664-6201Fax: +39-051-664-7461• UNITED KINGDOM OFFICENautilus UK Ltd.Tel: +44-1908-267-345Fax: +44-1908-267-346• ChINA OFFICENautilus Representative OfficeTel: +86-21-523-707-00Fax: +86-21-523-707-09IMpOrTANT CONTACT NUMBErS