1Nautilus NS600XBACK EXErCISESLOW BACK EXTENSIONSSTArTFINIShMuscles worked: This exercise emphasizes themuscles in your low back (erector spinae anddeep spinal muscles) that are necessary forproviding stabilization and protection for thespine. The lower back muscles are challengedisometrically just like they should be usedwhen lifting and carrying in daily life. Thegluteus maximus and the hamstrings are alsostrengthened at the hip.position: Pulley StationStarting position:• Stand facing the machine.• Spread the cuff from the handle and slidethem over the forearms up to the elbows.• Bend your knees comfortably, cross yourarms in front of your chest and pull handlestightly to your chest.• Stand up straight, lift your chest, tightenyour trunk muscles and maintain a slightarch in your lower back.• Pinch your shoulder blades together slightly.• Lean forward from the hips slightly lettingout some of the tension in the cables.Motion:• Keeping your chest lifted, move your entiretorso backward as a unit by pivoting at thehips.• Slowly return to the starting positionwithout slouching or changing spinalalignment.Key points:• Keep your chest lifted and a very slight archin your lower back at all times.• Move from the hips only, not your waist. Donot increase or decrease the arch in yourlower back during the movement.SEATED TrICEpS EXTENSION — Elbow ExtensionArM EXErCISESSTArTFINIShMuscles worked: This muscle emphasizes thetriceps muscles located on the back of theupper arms.Starting position:• Seated on the bench with your knees bentover the seat cushion for support.• Grasp the handles with palms facing eachother.• Stretch your elbows overhead pointing themtowards the ceiling.Motion:• Keeping the arm stationary, bend yourelbows allowing your hands to moveupwards until straight.• Complete the movement by returning yourelbows to a 90 degree position.Key points:• Keep your upper arms motionless and yourwrists straight.• Keep your back straight and abs tightened tostabilize your body.• Do not go beyond 90 degrees of movement.