© National Instruments Corporation C-1 VXIpc 800 Series User ManualAppendixCLED IndicatorsThis appendix describes how to read the LEDs on the front panel tointerpret the status of the VXIpc 800 Series.VXIbus Interface Status LEDsThe VXIbus interface status LEDs are located at the top of the moduleand include four LEDs: FAILED, SYSFAIL, ONLINE, and TEST.They indicate the various stages of initialization that occur as theVXIpc 800 boots. The following paragraphs describe each LED.SYSFAIL LEDThe SYSFAIL LED is lit when the VMEbus SYSFAIL signal isasserted. It does not necessarily indicate that the VXIpc 800 is assertingSYSFAIL, only that there is a device in the system asserting SYSFAIL.FAILED LEDThe FAILED LED is lit when the VXIpc 800 is driving the SYSFAILsignal. The VXIpc 800 asserts SYSFAIL when the PASSED bit in itsVXIbus status register is clear. The PASSED bit is set by the power-onself configuration circuitry (POSC) when it has completed initializingthe VXIbus interface.ONLINE LEDThe ONLINE LED is lit when the Resource Manager has successfullycompleted and the VXIbus interface is ready for application programs.TEST LEDThe TEST LED is lit when the power-on self configuration circuitry isconfiguring the VXIbus interface.