39• Go to Paging/Intercom Group then press “+New Page/Intercom group”1. Choose Extension Number for the Page/Intercom Group2. Select Type: 2-Way Intercom or 1-Way Page3. Select Extension number to include in Page/intercom group4. Insert the selected extension number5. Save and Apply ChangesPaging / IntercomTo Create a New Page / IntercomThe Paging/Intercom tab allows you to setup 1-way paging or 2-wayintercom for calling an individual or a group of extensions. This canbe used to make an announcement over the speakerphone of a groupof phones.12345• Go to VoiceMail Group Tab then press “+ New VoiceMail Group”1. Choose an Extension Number for the New VoiceMail Group2. Choose a desired name for the New VoiceMail Group3. Check all the Extension number that needed to be included in theNew VoiceMail Group4. Save and Apply ChangesVoicemail GroupsTo Create a New Voicemail GroupA voicemail group gives you the ability to create a voicemail box thatcan be shared by any of the users on NEX PBX.1234Figure 15.8Figure 15.9