17Product InstallationProduct PreparationInstallationUpon knowing that your DoorPad is complete:Plan your installation and wiring.Before starting the installationprocess, plan first how yourdevice will be powered, thenetwork connection type(wireless or LAN) and whatdevices you plan to integratewith DoorPad. Decide whetherthe wiring should go throughthe wall or pass underneath thedevice.1. Place the Metalic WallMount against the wall andmark through the screw holesand wire outlet (through-wall wiring) using a pencil ormarker.2. Drill through the markingsusing the appropriate drill bit,depending on the type of wall.For concrete or brick walls,the screw holes should just bewide enough that the providedscrew anchors will fit throughtightly and not loose.Figure 6.1Figure 6.2Figure 6.3