en Detergent24. DetergentDetergent You can use tablets as well as powderor liquid detergents for dishwashers, butnever use washing up liquid. Thedosage can be individually adjustedwith powder or a liquid detergentaccording to the degree of soiling.Tablets contain an adequately largeamount of active ingredients for allcleaning tasks. Modern, powerfuldetergents predominantly use alow-alkaline formulation with phosphateand enzymes. Phosphates bond thelime in the water. Enzymes break downstarch and remove protein.Phosphate-free detergents are lessfrequent. These have a slightly weakerlime bonding capacity and require ahigher dosage. To remove colouredstains (e.g. tea, tomato sauce),oxygen-based bleaching agents areusually used.Note: To ensure a good washing result,always follow the instructions on thedetergent packaging!If you have further questions,we recommend that you contactthe detergent manufacturers’ helpline.:WarningRisk of injury and damage due tonon-observance of the safetyinstructions for detergent andrinse-aid products!Always follow the safety instructions fordetergent products and rinse-aidproducts.Adding detergent1. If the detergent dispenser 9: is stillclosed, actuate locking bar 9B toopen it.2. Pour detergent into the dry detergentdispenser 9: only (insert tablet flat,not on its edge).3. Dosage: see manufacturer’sinstructions on the packaging. Usegraduated detergent dispenser.Usually 20 ml–25 ml are adequatefor normal soiling. If using tablets,one tablet is adequate.4. Close cover on the detergentdispenser.Cover “clicks” into position.The detergent dispenser opensautomatically at the optimum timedepending on the programme. Thepowder or liquid detergent isdistributed in the appliance and isdissolved, the tablet falls into thetablet collecting tray where itdissolves in doses.POPOPO&/,&.